Saturday 18 May 2013

Chibi Days! St patrick day 2

~ It has been St patrick days and all the chibis are wanting to go to ireland to see irie and Liam~

~Now lets carry on~

Liam : Why did you get me a dress?

Irie : Look, Your a boy your meant to have boy clothes + Your in Ireland and I don't want my friends to think your wierd.

Liam : So you don't like me as I am?

Irie : Well urm.. Your a boy wearing a dress... it doesn't suit a boy.

~ Liam runs off to the airport and gets on the areoplane~

Irie : What have I done :(?

~ Back In England~

Chibi Ashliegh : Wonder what Irie and Liam are doing.. I bet they are doing the irish dance or something fun.

~Ashliegh's phone rings~

Ashliegh : ~speaking on the phone~ Hello who is this? LIAM!? Where are you?

Chibi Ellie : I bet hes dying ~She has a big grin on her face~

Ashliegh : What your coming home? Whats happend?

Chibi Ashliegh : Ellie don't say that!

~ Chibi Ashliegh and Chibi Ellie start fighting as usal~

Ashliegh : Okay okay I will see you soon bye Liam.

~They stop fighting and go to Ashliegh to hear gossip~

Chibi Ellie : Is he dead?!

Chibi Ashliegh : He is not dead, God he was just on the phone to Ashliegh.

Ashliegh : Irie and him have just had a little argue, Don't worry hes alright. Hes on the areoplane now.

Chibi Chelsie : Noo he can't come home. I was using hes room and dark powers have happend in there!

Ashliegh : YOU WHAT?

~Chibi Ashliegh opens Liams door and dark magic is let out~

Ashliegh : WHO ARE YOU?

Strange demon chibi : I am Kita, Thank you for letting my free.

Chibi Ellie : Kita?o:

~Chibi Ashliegh and Ashliegh run off and hide~

Chibi Kita : Hello Ellie.

Chibi Ellie : Happy st patrick day?..

Chibi Kita : Thank you Demoness..

~Kita drags ellie by her hair and they fly off~


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