Saturday 18 May 2013

Chibi Wars! Party time

*There is a big celebration party for Chibi Liz's Birthday*

Chibi Liz : Yayayya Its my birthday!!

~ A magic spirit comes into the room~

Chibi Party : Happy birthday Liz :)

Chibi Liz : Yay you made it!

Chibi Party : Well I am the party spirit, I am at every party :)

Chibi Ashliegh : Heyy Party! Hey Liz, Happy birthday!

Chibi Party : Welcome Chibi Ashliegh :)

 Chibi Liz : HEEEEEY!

~ Music comes on and they play music status for hours~

Chibi Ashliegh : Yayayay! Nice party, I love this song.

~Music stops~

~Chibi Party can't keep her position still and she falls~

Chibi Liz : Awwhh your out.. Its me vs Ashliegh now.

~Music plays~

Chibi Ashliegh : I wanna win! I wanna win!

~Music stops but ashliegh is still dancing~

Chibi Liz : Yay i'm the winner

Chibi ashliegh : Ohh Yay your the winner ~She smiles even though she wanted to win~

Chibi Party : I better Be going now Liz, Happy birthday :)

Chibi Liz : Thank you for coming, bye!

Chibi Ashliegh : Ashliegh said its bed time!

~They all go to bed~

Chibi Day! St patrick day 3 ~ Going after Kita and Ellie

~ On st patrick day a terrible magic is let out, A demon name Kita has taken his old demoness (Ellie) and they have flew far into the sky, Now carrying on~

Ashliegh : We have to get them!

~Chibi Ashliegh is surronded with a magic force~

Chibi Ashliegh : Alright lets get them!

~ They both fly off to the plant auto~

Chibi Ellie : Ohh yes this place is lovely..May I go home now?

Chibi Kita :  No. Tell me your magic spell for your pre-magic formal.

~ A big crash is in the building and Ashliegh and Chibi ashliegh fly in~

Chibi Ashliegh : Let go off Ellie, She may be nasty to me but this is No way a good day for st patrick day.

~Ellie escaped through the hole in the wall and Kita doesnt notice~

Ashliegh : Yeah! Chibi Ashliegh is right let her free..Where ever she is??

~Chibi Kita looks around and Ellie is nowhere to be seen~

Chibi Kita : WHERE IS SHE?? ~Kita swings her ball of spikes around nocking down the building~

Ashliegh : You mean you don't know where she is??

Chibi Ashliegh : Ooooh..

Chibi Kita : No. She was here now shes gone!?

~ A hurd of good unicorns fly in and take Chibi Kita~

Ashliegh : Unicorns..? Really

Chibi Ashliegh : Ohhh lala pretty :O

~ Everyone is gone and Ashliegh and Chibi Ashliegh are confused~

Ashliegh : So do we go home now?

Chibi Ashliegh : Well urmmm yeah I suppose Ellie will be there hiding and time we get there Liam will be coming up to road back home.

~They both fly off to home~

Ashliegh : Ellie we are back!

~Chibi Ellie runs to them smiling~

Chibi Ellie : I escaped.. I did it. Yesss I am so powerful ^0^

~They all start laughing than liam comes through the door~

Chibi liam : I'm back!

Chibi Ashliegh : How was irie?

Chibi Liam : She made me wear these horrid boy clothes and she said she didnt like me when I was all girly 

Ashliegh : Well I ironed your dress for you ~She hands over Liam's dress~

Chibi Liam : yayayayayya pretty ^0^

Chibi Ashliegh : Well this day was exciting ~yawns~

~Ashliegh makes them hot chocolate and they all go to bed~

Chibi Days! St patrick day 2

~ It has been St patrick days and all the chibis are wanting to go to ireland to see irie and Liam~

~Now lets carry on~

Liam : Why did you get me a dress?

Irie : Look, Your a boy your meant to have boy clothes + Your in Ireland and I don't want my friends to think your wierd.

Liam : So you don't like me as I am?

Irie : Well urm.. Your a boy wearing a dress... it doesn't suit a boy.

~ Liam runs off to the airport and gets on the areoplane~

Irie : What have I done :(?

~ Back In England~

Chibi Ashliegh : Wonder what Irie and Liam are doing.. I bet they are doing the irish dance or something fun.

~Ashliegh's phone rings~

Ashliegh : ~speaking on the phone~ Hello who is this? LIAM!? Where are you?

Chibi Ellie : I bet hes dying ~She has a big grin on her face~

Ashliegh : What your coming home? Whats happend?

Chibi Ashliegh : Ellie don't say that!

~ Chibi Ashliegh and Chibi Ellie start fighting as usal~

Ashliegh : Okay okay I will see you soon bye Liam.

~They stop fighting and go to Ashliegh to hear gossip~

Chibi Ellie : Is he dead?!

Chibi Ashliegh : He is not dead, God he was just on the phone to Ashliegh.

Ashliegh : Irie and him have just had a little argue, Don't worry hes alright. Hes on the areoplane now.

Chibi Chelsie : Noo he can't come home. I was using hes room and dark powers have happend in there!

Ashliegh : YOU WHAT?

~Chibi Ashliegh opens Liams door and dark magic is let out~

Ashliegh : WHO ARE YOU?

Strange demon chibi : I am Kita, Thank you for letting my free.

Chibi Ellie : Kita?o:

~Chibi Ashliegh and Ashliegh run off and hide~

Chibi Kita : Hello Ellie.

Chibi Ellie : Happy st patrick day?..

Chibi Kita : Thank you Demoness..

~Kita drags ellie by her hair and they fly off~


Chibi wars! St patricks day

Ashliegh : Alright, So today we are having a party!

~All chibis jump around saying yay~

Chibi Ashliegh :  Green ... Seriously?

Ashliegh : Its not so bad, It suits you.

Chibi Chelsie : But I want to celebrate englands day only not the other countries!

Ashliegh : Well Irie is irish and shes a good friend of yours so shh.

Chibi Ashliegh : Omg can we go and see Irie?

Chibi Chelsie : Irie went to vist ireland today. We can't see her today.

Chibi Ashliegh : But Liam has gone to see her today.

Ashliegh : Liam paid for himself to go.

~Meanwhile in ireland~

Chibi Irie : So Liam why you here in Ireland?

Chibi Liam : Well, Its St patricks day and I wanted to see you. I told Ashliegh I would get here by myself.

Chibi Irie : Alright but I got you some BOY clothes, Put them on.

~Chibi liam goes in the bathroom and puts on boy clothes which he doesnt like~

Chibi liam : What on earth am I wearing?

~ To be continued~

Chibi Wars! Day 2

*Ashliegh has decided to take the chibis on a trip*

Ashliegh : Okay Okay out you come.

*The chibis all run out of the bag*

Chibi Ellie :  ~ Runs around wildly~ EVIL UNICORN POWEEEERS!

Ashliegh : Now Ellie no evilness, I will put you back in the bag.


Ashliegh : Ellie >D;

~Another chibi gets out the bag jumping around~

Chibi Ashliegh : ELLLIIEEEEE >D;

Chibi Ellie : What germ!?

~Ellie jumps ontop of Chibi Ashliegh and begin to fight~

Chibi Ashliegh : OWWWW GET OFF MY HAIRRR >D;

Chibi Ellie : NOOO GERM D;

Ashliegh : Whats going on!?

~Ashliegh splits them up and tells them off~

Ashliegh : Ellie what did I say to you earlier?!

Chibi Ellie : You said that I'm the best Chibi EVERRR!

Chibi Ashliegh : Is that what..what she said?:(

Ashliegh : I did not say that!

~She hugs Chibi Ashliegh~

~Another chibi comes out~

Strange Chibi : I am darf vaderrrr >D;

Chibi Ellie : Is that you.. Akia?:O

Chibi Ashliegh : Not Akia .-.

Chibi Akia : I am back for you Ellie, Come my evil unicorn ^-^

Ashliegh : Whats going on?

Chibi Ellie : Akia is my long lost brother, When our planet Taco got destroyed we all went on this rocket to planet Jelly but Akia didn't get on the rocket and we never saw him..Till now.

Chibi Akia : Ellie you remember that day..?

Chibi Ellie : Yes. The day we were split apart

~ Chibi Ellie and Akia both run up to eachother and hug~

~Meanwhile Chibi Liz comes~

Chibi Liz : Whats all the hugging?

Chibi Ellie : This is my brother Akia. He didnt make it on the rocket remember?

Chibi Ashliegh : Anyone want a marshmello?

~All the chibis get a marshmello while Chibi Ellie and Chibi Akia are talking about their past~

Ashliegh : All right, everyone in the bag. Hometime.

~All chibis get in the bag and they all go home safely~

Chibi Wars >:D

*Once upon a time, in the wide realm of the internet...*

Ashliegh: Wow. I am really bored. I think I will google random things

*She googles for a short ammount of time* 

Ashliegh: Oh, what's this? A chibi maker? I think I will play with this for a bit.

*She plays for a bit, making a few chibis the way she likes*

Ashliegh : Mhm..I think I will dress her..Gray :D

*EVIL >.> *

Missy: Don't judge me with your judgey eyes, Mr/Mrs Narrator. >.>

*Suddenly KABOOM! Everything explodes and THERE IS LIFE!!*

Chibi Ashliegh: Oh elloh ^~^

Ashliegh:The hell are YOU? >.>

Chibi Ashliegh: Uhm... I'm a chibi you ^o^. I think... I mean, you did give me the name CHIBI ASHLIEGH, and you're ASHLIEGH, sooo....

Ashliegh: Seriously? 

*She contemplates the small creature that appears to be standing on her laptop and talking to her, before picking it up.*

Ashiegh: You're TINY O_O

Chibi Ashliegh: Well DUH. I AM a chibi -.-

Ashliegh: Attitude >.>

Chibi Ashliegh: ~giggles~ Sowwee

*There is another flash of light and crash of thunder. Everything is violently shaken and Missy falls over. When she looks up, there are several more chibis stood on her laptop.*

Ashliegh: ... Who are YOU?!


*ASHLIEGH picks her up by the pigtails*

Chibi Ellie: Heeeeyyyy! Put me doooown! >~<

*Ashliegh begins to put her back on the table*

Chibi Missy: NUUUUH! SHE'S EVIL! >~<

Ashliegh: Well which is it?! Up or down?

Chibi Liz: Excuse me, I believe I can be of help with that. Please put her down.

*Ashliegh puts down Chibi Ellie to Chibi Missy's horror. Chibi Liz then pushes Chibi Ellie down and sits on her*

Chibi Liz: Sorted.

Chibi Ashliegh: HOORAY! ^o^

Chibi Ellie: This is worse than BEFORE!

Chibi Chelsie: You were asking for it, Chibi Ellie >~< Now be nice, this is our creator ^~^

Ashliegh : ... Creator?

Chibi Chelsie: Yes, creator. Hail creator ^o^

Ashliegh Please don't do that >///>

Chibi Chelsie: ~shouts~ HAIL CREATOR ^o^

*All the other chibis join in, Chibi Ellie included*

Ashliegh : ... No, seriously. Please stop it. 

*All the chibis stop* 

Chibi Liz: ~looks around~ ... Wait, someone's missing...

Chibi Ashliegh : I KNOW! Where's Chibi Liam?! 

*There is a muffled shriek and Missy turns around to the rubbish bin. She digs through a few pieces of scrap paper and pulls out a small Chibi* 
Ashliegh: ... Is that a boy?

Chibi Liz: ~facepalms~ Yes.


*He runs off the edge of the desk and straight back into the bin*


Ashliegh : -.-' He's not exactly the BRIGHTEST crayola in the pack, is he?

Chibi Liz: -.-' No.

Chibi Ashliegh: LIIAAMMMMM!!! Q~Q

*she dives in after him* 

Chibi Chelsie: Poor, poor girl...

Chibi Ellie: ... I'm dying... Q~Q

*Chibi Liz climbs off Chibi Ellie, who stands up and runs around madly. Chibi Liam and Chibi Ashliegh are both in the bin, screaming. Ashliegh  buries her head in her hands*

Ashliegh : Dear God, what am I going to do with this lot? Should I just leave them somewhere?

Chibi Chelsie: You're not going to abandon us, are you, creator? Q~Q *Because if you did, we'd have to punish you...*

*Ashliegh strokes her hair with a finger*

Ashliegh: No, no I'm not... I'm not that cruel. 

*She pulls a journal and a pen out of a drawer*

Ashliegh : Not when this presents an interesting experimental oppertunity! You can stay!

All the Chibis: YAAAAAAAY!!

(Dear God, the stuff I do when I'm bored -.-)